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Now Give Your Salesman the easiest way to sell more. Now easily salesman can sell the product & instantly issue the product for HUID which reduces the sale cycle & saves time. Now no need to carry more inventory at the exhibition. With help of this feature, you can generate multiple orders from different buyers for the same product. Moreover, you can sync this mobile app with software through which you can get real-time data tracking facility. Order feature is specially designed for jewellery businesses to remove the process of manually jotting down the orders and start taking orders on the app instead. Take Order via App to increase productivity & reduces operational cost.
Centralized Order Tracking
Create Orders Before Final Bill
Real-Time Update on Software
Easily Issue HUID via Orders
Increase Sales Cycle Speed
Synchronize Order with sales bill
Assured Leak-proof
Fulfil Orders Timely
Carry less inventory (wh)
Easy to take order
Generate multiple orders from the same product
Real-time order update on software