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22nd March 2021 | eCommerce Website
No business is too small for having a website. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the course for all businesses the last year. The way people buy and sell changed drastically in real time. Digital presence is a very important part of every. Important part of every business types. In today’s world of modern technology, having a website is important to determine the success of any business.
Having a website is an essential:
63 percent of the country’s small businesses don’t have their own websites. Many Businesses who don’t have an online store or e-commerce website are suffering from low sell. Online shopping is safe, secure and fast selling popular day by day.
Are you planning to sell your product or services from the comfort of your business or home?? But might be you think that, My business is small!!!
1.Effective Way To Promote Your Business:
Based on Indian times survey results, 78% Indian shoppers prefers online shopping after this pandemic time.. If you are still promoting your business through the traditional way, so you are going the wrong way. At this time, 85 % people prefer to shop online. Online marketing is faster, more efficient and inexpensive. There are many tools and strategies that you can use for online marketing, but without a website, these strategies will fall like Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google & Bing ads.
2. More Sales
Did you ever want to grow your business to new heights? Of course you have! With a nice, responsive and attractive website .Now more people are discovering your business. Your brand is enjoying higher recognition and credibility. If you have a simple website, imagine how easily you can grab customer attention and you will be success compared to your local competitors. Unsurprisingly, all these will combine to boost your sales and increase your revenue.
3. Low Cost and Increase Margin
In many cases, It’s cost less and increase your margins. Because E commerce allows to avoid may large expenses about shop, man Manpower, inventory etc.. Through the website you will be saving your money too. With an online store, you can build out your business as your sales grow.
4. New More Customers:
E-commerce website reaches globally to meet new customer. The online site can help you to reach new customers from entire the world. When you have a beautiful website, that definitely you will be reaching your targeted audiences. The best part is having a website is that you can also engage multiple audiences at once. More accurately, your clients will find you!
5. Improve Credibility:
The simplest way I am saying website is your online address. You don’t need to start physical shopping. When people see your brand and product on google sites, so it will show your own brand identity so definitely it’s showing your own reputation on your clients and customers too. Don’t be mislead to think of having a business page on social media like Facebook, Instagram is enough to increase your brand identify. Having a website is like having your own business domain, So think about it!
After that, One more question on your mind…
How to choose best Ecommerce website company for your website?
The Final Say !
We make e-commerce website safe, easy to use for all users and with amazing designed to maximize sales potential. We provide B2C E-Commerce websites for clients. We integrated ecommerce website with our own ERP and POS softwarewhich make your business process smooth. We delivered a customized e-commerce website and application too with an affordable price. We Serving Ecommerce website development since last 15 years to our clients.
To know more about our features and pricing related click on- https://www.alphaebarcode.com/ecommerce-mobileapp
Having a website is the good source of increase your sales! Am I right or wrong?
Tell me in the comment section 🙂 🙂
Thank you
Niyati Sanghvi